Whaaat? Lego Family Portraits?!

I know it is sometimes hard to come up with gifts in any holiday season, especially if we don’t see Grandchildren as often. In the coming weeks, I’ll be posting fun things I find on Facebook and on our Books and Gifts page, that you might enjoy giving as well. Our GrandyCamp Pinterest boards already have ideas for Crafty Gifts, College Grands, and Book Biz, so be sure to use all these resources, or write and give me a challenge and I’ll see what I can do. I love all the creative things on Etsy, but it has become such a monster site, folks tend to drown in it. I will give you some highlights as I find them there as well. If I mention something is an affiliate link, they aren’t paying me to mention it, but if you purchase from that link, it can support GrandyCamp in some small way with no extra cost for you (so far, having our name show up counts most, so thank you!)

Today I found an Etsy artist that makes Lego figures as portraits that I thought were so fun! I love things that keep play in our lives! Etsy is worldwide, and makes it very easy to shop that way – this guy is in Germany, so don’t wait too long to order if you are interested! Just click on the link to see what he needs for your portrait and the care he puts into it.